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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another New "Toxic" Video Edit

.... And it's even more intoxicating!

Personally, I love this sexier, haunting version of Britney Spears' dance track so much more when I first heard Christopher Dallman's rendition.

Chris had made a video with film-maker friend Christie Strong some time back. And a very innovative and interactive version of the video was put up on line at the "This Is Toxic" website.

It consisted of three options -- Me (Which has footage of all Chris), Him (Chris' video lover) and the fan-submitted montage of what they thought wee toxic stuff. It was a pretty unique way of presenting a song that now had a twist of something a little darker in Chris' musical interpretation. And having it set in Sin City - glitzy Las Vegas - gave it right sense of seedy feeling of false hopes and despair.

But the video - being made of three separate and distinct parts - was not as easy to share and spread the word around.

Finally, a few weeks ago, a more concise and edited version of "Toxic" has made it online! YAYY!

It was much easier to share on various websites and social networks because it could be uploaded onto YouTube, for one thing.

Here it is:

I thought it is quite a little addictive gem (nice work Christie!). And the jarring images of the "toxic" pics toward the end of the song made the point more succinctly.

What do you think?


"Toxic" is part of the Christopher Dallman's "Sad Britney" EP which is available on sale from his website